Last Minute Mother’s Day Gifts

Is it just me or did Mother’s Day really creep up this year? It may have something to do with the fact that it has been freezing here and hasn’t felt like spring at all. Whatever the case, I once again find myself scrambling at the last minute to figure out Mother’s Day gifts! If you’re in the same boat and don’t have time to hit the stores, there are fortunately some great gifts still available via Amazon Prime that can be delivered before Sunday (thank you, Amazon). I wanted to share just a few items that I think would make nice Mother’s Day gifts – things that I have either already purchased and love, or have on my wish list to purchase in the future.

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Easter Basket Stuffer Ideas

In past years, I’ve always waited until the very last minute to try to scrounge up Easter goodies for the kids. Last year I didn’t even do Easter baskets because I didn’t get my act together in time. Instead, we hid plastic eggs around the house, filled with candy leftover from the last special occasion. Total mom fail! This year I vowed to plan ahead. With Easter now three and a half weeks away, I’ve purchased most of what I plan to put in the kids’ Easter baskets so that I’m not running around at the last minute again. I figured I’d share what I picked up in case anyone else is currently on the hunt for Easter basket stuffers.

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Jackson is Three!

Almost a month ago (on June 24th), Jackson turned three years old. The night before his birthday, I went down the rabbit hole of looking at old pictures and videos (anyone else do that?), which of course brought on all sorts of emotions. It’s amazing to me and also kind of scary how quickly you forget the earlier phases. All I can say is thank God for cameras! 

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Emmy’s First Birthday

Emmy is ONE! Her birthday was on May 30th and we had a little family party the weekend before to celebrate the big day. Although the first few months after she was born were extremely challenging and felt like an eternity at the time (in case you missed it, you can read about that here), I look back now and can’t believe that was a full year ago. I feel like I blinked and all the sudden I have a one-year-old. I guess that’s how it goes, right?

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Emmy Update: 9 Months

It has been two months since I posted an Emmy update and, in baby time, that’s like two years. You never know when babies will be over one thing and on to the next, so I wanted to capture some of Emmy’s recent developments. I know I sound like a broken record always saying how quickly time is flying, but man. Time is seriously flying! I can’t believe in three more months Emmy will be one and on her way to toddlerhood. That is so crazy to me. They say the days are long and the years are short and that has never felt more true! Continue reading “Emmy Update: 9 Months”

Emmy Update: 7 Months

It has been a bit since I last posted–four months and four days to be exact!–but who’s counting? Life with two young kids is awesome, but it doesn’t allow for much down time. Pretty much the only opportunity I have during the day to crack open the computer for more than a minute or two is when the kids are napping, and I’ve been choosing to use that time to sleep myself. If I have to choose between sleep and pretty much anything else, I’ll almost always pick sleep. What can I say? I like my rest! Now that Emmy is on a better nighttime sleep schedule and I actually have my evenings back, I’m hoping to carve out more time to get back to things I’ve been neglecting, like this blog. Continue reading “Emmy Update: 7 Months”

Jackson’s Second Birthday

This past Sunday, Jackson turned TWO! Cue all the emotions….Originally we didn’t plan to do much for Jackson’s birthday this year given that we knew we’d be dealing with the logistics of a newborn, but we decided last minute to have a small party at my parents’ house with just a few of my friends and their kids who live nearby. My parents are about 90 minutes away so at first I didn’t think it would be a good idea to go there, but Jackson is obsessed with “gamma and “pop pop,” so we knew that visiting for his birthday weekend would be special for him in and of itself, even if we didn’t have a big party planned. And if I’m being honest, having a couple of extra helping hands didn’t sound like a bad idea. With Emmy being relatively easy up until that point, we decided to brave the car ride and different sleeping arrangements, and I’m glad we did! Jackson had a blast, and seeing his many smiles over the course of the weekend made it all worth it.

Continue reading “Jackson’s Second Birthday”

A Message to My Other Half on Father’s Day

Since the new baby arrived it has been extra challenging sitting down to write any posts, but I just had to get one up today for Father’s Day.  I’m still in the thick of life with a newborn and didn’t have a chance to run out to the store to get a card, but if I had, this message pretty much sums up what it would have said…. Continue reading “A Message to My Other Half on Father’s Day”

She’s Here! The First Week with Our New Baby

It has been exactly a week since our little girl graced us with her presence. Last Wednesday, May 30th, we welcomed Emmy Scarlett into the world and officially became a family of four! She’s perfect and we feel so incredibly grateful. Even though this was my second time going through delivery, it was still a surreal experience. It’s so crazy to think I went into the hospital with just my husband and left with another little human that we’re now responsible for. It’s both amazing and terrifying! But mostly amazing. Continue reading “She’s Here! The First Week with Our New Baby”